Sunday, December 25, 2011

Gabriel Ricks Art

Gabriel Ricks is a friend of mine that just so happens to do amazing art.  I love everything he done so far.   He has recently had exhibits at the Hotel Indigo and will be presenting another one at the Flicker Bar downtown Athens next month. He recently informed me that he is going to do a piece for me. Oh you have no idea how excited I was to hear that. I did supply the canvas which really isn't a canvas at all.  It's a pallet board that I made.  I thought it would be amazing with his designs on it to put in my entryway for all to see as they enter my home.  It should be completed sometime in February.  There will definitely be a post of the finished product.  I will also get contact information for him for the public in the event any of you would like to get in touch with Gabriel to purchase your own art.

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