Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dreaming of Spring

It's that time of year to start thinking about what we'll be doing in the yard.  Up to this point the majority of our time has been spent working on the inside of the house while the outside looks like it has been abandoned and unloved. Here are a few pics I found online of some ideas I have floating around in my head.  Not sure yet of the layout or the order that things will get done but I have a feeling this will be a work in progress for a few years to come...

 A potting table to work at out doors....
 A cleaner and more discrete trash area...
A pergola to the seating area of the yard...

 Some dragonflies made from ceiling fan blades and table legs that I've been dying to make...
 A hanging bed to put under the pergola...possible even a hammock...
 Really would like to do this on all of my walkways...will have to invest in a chainsaw...
Window boxes for about four of the windows...not sure what type of flowers will go in them yet...
Lattice type trellis' for climbing roses....

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