Monday, October 17, 2011

Burlap Coffee Bag rug

The wonderful thing about being a night owl is that I feel like I'm stealing a few extra hours out of the day to complete projects. My floors are feeling naked since there isn't one rug on them at the moment and with the colder weather coming on quickly, I believe it's time to start dressing them up. I found this design for a rug using a burlap coffee bag and fell in love with it. I wanted a longer runner type of rug for the kitchen so as I settled in at 11:30p.m. with a low budget movie and began to work on my rug. Here's how I did it....

First: I cut the seams off of the side of the bag so I could open it in order to make a runner style rug. I left the seams on the ends.

Second: I ironed out all of the wrinkles and creases.

Third: I took red jute webbing and folded it top to bottom and pinned it in place.

Fourth: I do not own a sewing machine as of yet (on my Christmas list) so I had to sew this by hand. Wasn't too bad...I was able to complete by the time the corny movie was over.

Fifth: I then ironed the edges down just to make it look more finished and neat.

(I will be purchasing a non skid mat to go under my rug just to be on the safe side)

I Love Love Love it.........

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