Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Past 12 Hours

I've been busy the past 12 hours working on this and that.  Put an antique walnut stain on my wooden ironing boards.  I'll use one of them as a sofa table and the other in the dining room just for funzies.

Been working on a few more sock snowmen....

My mother-in-law also gave me a carousel horse which I plan on painting white and putting somewhere in my house...right now it looks a little weird to have sitting in my home but it's only temporary.

One of the biggest projects so far this weekend has been organizing the bedroom.  Totally rearranged everything.  I'll start making repairs next patching holes and repainting.  I also plan on making canvas drop cloth curtains for all the windows as soon as I get my sewing machine, which I've been told is going to be a Christmas gift this year.  We arranged the room so there is a larger, more comfortable seating area to relax and watch t.v.  Although the room is not finished, not even close to being finished, here are a few pics.  We're in the market for a flat panel t.v. to mount on the wall as well. It's kind of a bedroom, recreation, sewing, computer room all wrap up in one.  I'll post more pics as I make progress in this room. Like I said, we have a lot to do in here.

So there it is...what I've been up to the past 12 hours or so.  I hope all of you have a great day and I'll chat at ya later.  :-)

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