Friday, December 2, 2011

Living For the Weekend

I've been dealing with an abscessed tooth for the past few weeks.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to stay friendly and smile while that's going on????  uuuggg (sorry, I just had to vent for a minute there)......anyway, now that I'm working regular, I look forward to the weekends again.  I'll be painting the bedroom and working on a few minor projects such as some lamps and wall art and such.  Painting the bathroom will be next weekends projects and then after that will be building the mantle headboard, frame for the mirror, making drop cloth curtains, and getting the loft area set up.  Painting the bedroom alone is a huge project which is why it gets a whole weekend all to itself.  The ceiling are about 14' high and the room is about 15' x 20' not including the nook that the bed is in or the bathroom.

I will probably get started on this project tonight so off to put on a pot of coffee I go......I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and be careful when you're Christmas shopping.  So many crazy drivers on the road this time of year.  Oh, and, if you can swing it....remember to smile when you shop.  I was looking around at people while I was in the stores today and noticed that NOBODY was smiling.  Everybody either looked tired, stressed, or anxious.  Smiling is contagious so please give some to as many people as you can this season.

:-) :-) :-)


  1. I know what you mean about people not smiling now a days, stupid. People need to be happy with what they got...could be worse!
