Monday, November 7, 2011

What Are You Doing??????

What am I doing??? I'll tell you. All kinds of things today. While I'm waiting for the phone to ring about interviews or maybe that special call about when I can start a new job, I decided to be very productive around the house. Today was spend doing many projects. I sanded the steps to the back porch in preparation of painting it, painted a desk in a beautiful charcoal gray and distreased it (pretty sure I spelled that word wrong, hopefully you know what I'm talking about), planning on getting clear glass knobs for the drawers, rearranged some furniture around the house, made a tree branch sculpture, and that's pretty much it. Oh yeah, I held the ladder so my husband could finish painting the high points of the outside of the house. Still have the trim to do but I can handle that on my own for the most part. My son will get on the roof and do the tippy top of the trim when the time comes. I also have plans for my tires that I painted a pretty blue green. They will be put in front of each parking space and used as flower beds for African Violets. I'm posting a bunch of pics kinda mixed up since I haven't mastered the whole posting of pics on my blog yet. Now sure how to arrange them with a caption underneath yet. Hopefully you can figure out what's what. Oh....I almost forgot...I got this huge bolt of burlap fabric today for only it off of craigslist (yay graigslist).

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