Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Handsome Son

Coty Alexander.  Born August 6, 1990; 9lbs 5oz in Walnut Creek, Cali.  What a painful day that was.  18 hours in labor, lots of screaming, lots of pain, and lots of hurt feelings because I was not in the mood for anyone telling me everything was going to be ok.  I just wanted that thing out and like super fast.  After all that drama it turned out to be a pretty good day.  I had a handsome little boy.  Typical looking Italian baby boy.  He was gorgeous.  Came pretty close to naming him Giovanni but in the end he was named Coty instead.  I just liked that name Coty for some reason.  It seemed to be everywhere at the time so I ran with it.

Coty was an energetic little boy.  Always moving and always inquisitive.  As he got older, he had to take everything apart to find out how it worked.  Never put any of it back together tho.  When he was around 5, 6, or 7ish...his favorite things were wearing a suit, a big watch, and carrying a briefcase.  He wanted to be a business man.  Can't say too much has changed.  He's still business minded.

Throughout the years, Coty has been involved in all types of, softball, mountain bike racing, and skateboarding.  Although is was the best at skateboarding, his most favorite thing to do in the world is learn computer software languages and all those other computer geek things that I don't understand.  He has a great future ahead of him.  He has always said for as long as I can remember that he was going to be rich when he grew up and I believe him.  He is business minded, up to date on current events, big on keeping up with politics, and has a natural talent for anything having to do with computers.  My boy has a bright future ahead of him.  One of the things that I love the most about him is that he is not obsessed with girls.  He loves girls, don't get me wrong, but his priorities are in order.  He's concentrating on college, his career, and getting himself and his goals in check before he gets involved with a girl on a regular basis.  As a matter of fact, he doesn't even date, not even as friends.  I'm very proud of him in that he has been able to get his priorities figured out at such a young age.  I'm excited to see how far ahead of his goals he actually gets in his lifetime.

Yup...that's my boy.  My beautiful baby boy....all grown up.

Here's a pic of his dad. Coty is hoping to have muscles like this when he's forty.  Hehehe.

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