Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Beautiful Daughter

Molly LeAnn. Born September 16, 1996; 8lbs 6oz. in Athens, GA.  One of the happiest days of my life.  I had a beautiful baby girl.  As a baby and small child, Molly was nothing but sunshine.  Giggling at everything all the time. She was never seen without a smile or hint of a grin on her face.

She is 15 now and has become a young woman that I admire.  She is independent, strong, able to think for herself, smart, kind-hearted, and has goals for her future.  She is what I wish I was at her age. Molly has not had the greatest of childhoods due to her father and I being divorced only months before she was born.  She has always had to deal with the visitations, alternating holidays, and on occasion, the bickering between her dad and myself. This is not a childhood I wish for any child but I do believe it has made Molly a stronger person.  It has also opened her heart to develop empathy others and has allowed her to understand that no matter what the outward appearance is, everyone has a skeleton in the closet or some type of issue that they are dealing with in their private lives.  Molly has become the defender of the weak, always sticking up for the little guy or girl that gets picked on in school.

Even under the bad circumstances of our life when she was born, she is one of the greatest adventures to ever happen to me.

I love you Molly LeAnn.  Never stop being're perfect.

However, she doesn't like her picture taken so the only way I can get a recent pic is if she takes one on the webcam that is built in to her laptop...that way she can make certain she looks right before the shot is taken, I guess.  I think it's a teenager thing now-a-days.

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