Friday, December 16, 2011

Refinished Kitchen Counter Tops

Another project I finished today...the kitchen counter tops.  I refinished them with a rustoleum hammered steel paint.  Keep in mind that you can't just start painting your counter tops like you would a wall. First you have to clean clean clean them with TPS to get ALL of the grim and grease off of them.  Here is a pic of the materials I used for the whole project, not including the clear sealant that I put on last.  I did three coats of that.  It was a water-based gloss sealer and protectant.  I used the same thing on my bathroom counters about four or five months ago and let me tell you...that stuff is awesome.  My counter tops are as durable as a laminate.

You can see the original ugly green counters in this photo......

The cool thing about using a hammered paint is that when you have to use a brush instead of a roller for those tight areas like around the faucet, the brush strokes do not show.  When the paint dries, it all dries the same, with a hammered metal look.  AWESOME...Here is a close up.  It looks bumpy but it's not because of all the sealant. It's actually very slick and smooth....
Now for the finished product.  We'll be painting the cabinets black in a few weeks with a clear coat sealant on that as well for easy cleaning.

I have to also show off my rolling pin.  It's my first one.  I tried to make an apple pie a few months ago and totally messed it up just because I didn't have a rolling pin to roll out the crust.  My sweet husband still eat it and complimented me on how wonderful it was (I knew he was lying but I love him for not hurting my feelings).  I found this one at a yard sale for 2.00...there again...AWESOME.

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