Friday, November 18, 2011

Chicken Wire Christmas Tree

I started searching online for Christmas decorations to make with my burlap and came across instructions on how to make a chicken wire Christmas tree.  Now, this design is originally for the great outdoors but I've never been one to follow the conventional way of doing things.  I decided to try my hand at making one of these chicken wire Christmas trees for inside the house.  That way I could save my husband just a little of money by not having to go out and buy a new tree.  This is a table top version.  Since it's my first one, I wanted to start small.  Now that I'm finished with it, I may just go ahead and make larger one whenever I'm in the mood to play with chicken wire again.

Here's my version and how I did it....

1. You'll need chicken wire.  How ever much you think you'll need for the size tree you want.  This is a table top version so I would say I only used about 2' x 3' piece.

2. Cut it in a big triangle.  I used a yard stick and a sharpie to mark where I wanted to cut.  This seemed to be a much easier way to do it then just by free handing it. 

3. Close your triangle end to end and fasten together with wire or just twist the ends together like I did.

Here it is so far.....I spent a little bit of time shaping the cone to make it level so it sits on the table without wobbling.

5. Next, I began putting on the lights.  I tried to tuck some of them inside the tree to make it look like it was glowing from in the inside out.

6.  After that I began to add my burlap garland. 

7. Once that was complete, I finished it up with the ornaments and topper.

So tell me...what do you think??  If you're planning to do this project yourself, have fun and extra careful when working with the chicken tends to stick ya.

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