Saturday, November 19, 2011

Light Buld Flower Vase

Here's a tricky project...a flower vase made from a light bulb.  By the time I finished this I felt I had accomplished something wonderful.

These are the tools and supplies needed if you want to try this project for yourself.  The trickiest and most certainly the most delicate of the process is getting the black glass out of the center.  Just work at it a little at a time.  I found snipping the tip off and then getting a sharp pick like tool to break away the rest of it.

Then take the wire and form a base...fill with water and put a flower in it.  I don't have any live flowers at the moment or else I would have taken a picture of that.  I think you get the idea of how it works tho.

You should try this at least once...I love mine and plan on making more when my light bulbs blow out.

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