Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Shutterbug's Dream

I answered an ad for a free Omega Enlarger on Craigslist and was the first to respond to it so I stopped by to pick it up this evening.  Little did I know that when I picked it up I would also be given a tripod and an old leather camera bag full of old equipment.  I hate to call this stuff antique since it's all stuff that I remember using when I was working in my dad's photography studio as a teenager.  There is even an old manual for a Minolta Twin Lens camera in the bag...I used this same camera to photograph weddings when I was just around 16 years old.  Finding all this stuff has been the highlight of my day and I can't wait to get to started on cleaning it all up and figuring out where I'm going to display it all.  Photos of the finished process will follow.

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