Friday, December 23, 2011

Country Kitchen redo

Finally got the kitchen cabinets finished.  I left a few of the doors off and painted the inside because I love the look of white dishes arranged in the cabinets.  I may go back and put in some type of design on the back panel of the cabinet but for now we're leaving them as is to be certain we really want a design on the inside or not. Please excuse the "Pork Ass" written on the menu board.  Steve slow cooked a rump roast yesterday so we were trying to be funny.

I also made a small ladder to lean against the wall to hang all of the clean dish towels.  I just love the look of it.  It also holds the aprons and the bucket holds the chalk and eraser for the shopping list board.

I moved the grommet top burlap curtains I made a while ago from the living room into the kitchen.  I thought the burlap was more of a kitcheny fabric.  I also want to do the drop cloth curtains in the living because I'm totally in love with the way the bedroom ones turned out.

I also have to show off my flowers.  I love love love bulb flowers. The Christmas Catus' came from clippings my mother-in-law gave me.

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the time you have with your loved ones and stay safe in your travels.

Here's a before shot of the kitchen before we started renovations and moved in....

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