Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's Time To Go

I'll be shutting down the Homestead soon to concentrate on my new hobby of sewing and also to get back to my classes.  Come fall I'll be carrying a full load on campus and won't have much time to do anything but keep my nose in the books.  In the meantime just one class during summer semester.  There are a few other things in the mix that I will be wrapped up in but will keep a big ole "shhhh" for now since it's not set in stone yet.  It was fun while it lasted folks.  Thank you for reading my posts.

Peace out.... :-)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Master Bedroom redo...kinda

Welp...I cleaned out a lot of junk over the past week or so.  It feels good to get rid of STUFF that's just laying around not serving any purpose.  The bedroom is pretty much done the way it's going to stay for a while.  We still need to build the wall unit shelving and work desk.  This will happen next month.  In the meantime, here's the bedroom all cleaned out.  I built a headboard this evening as well.  I thought it looked more stylish with cleaner lines than having a mantle type headboard.  I made this one from extra plywood we had, some batting, and decor fabric.

Here's the rest of the room...

Have a great weekend everybody.  Be productive and creative but most of all...have fun.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dreaming of Spring

It's that time of year to start thinking about what we'll be doing in the yard.  Up to this point the majority of our time has been spent working on the inside of the house while the outside looks like it has been abandoned and unloved. Here are a few pics I found online of some ideas I have floating around in my head.  Not sure yet of the layout or the order that things will get done but I have a feeling this will be a work in progress for a few years to come...

 A potting table to work at out doors....
 A cleaner and more discrete trash area...
A pergola to the seating area of the yard...

 Some dragonflies made from ceiling fan blades and table legs that I've been dying to make...
 A hanging bed to put under the pergola...possible even a hammock...
 Really would like to do this on all of my walkways...will have to invest in a chainsaw...
Window boxes for about four of the windows...not sure what type of flowers will go in them yet...
Lattice type trellis' for climbing roses....

Closet Make Over

We have spent the past 24 hours making over the closet.  I so wish I had taken pics of it before it was emptied.  We could barely step inside to get anything.  It was filled to the brim with junk.  Crafting junk, clothes junk, shoe name was in there.  Here it is when we finished taking everything out.  I decided the walls needed to be painted and definitely the floor needed some lovin as well.

Here it is after we painted it a light yellow on the walls and a gray floor paint....

All of my bags are organized on the shelf and I now have a place to sit and put on my make up.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Industrial Rolling Storage Box

We had some press board and angle irons laying around so Steve and I decided to build an industrial style rolling storage box to store the piggie and doggie food instead of having it sit on the floor of the pantry.  This is very functional and it looks cool.

Our next project that involves angle irons will be a shelving / desk wall unit in the bedroom.  I'm planning on that being 8' high and 8' wide with 12" to 18" shelves and desk.  It's still in the planning stage so it will be a month or so before it's completed.

It's raining today so now that we are finished with the storage box, I think I'll ride out to Lowe's and price a few things for the next project, which will be a pantry makeover.

To be continued....

Friday, January 20, 2012

Drop Cloth Sofa Slipcover

Ok faithful followers of my's drop cloth sofa slipcover.  Not going to say much about it except that I wouldn't want to make these for a living.  It was a challenge but all in all, I really think I did a fantastic job on it (if ya don't mind me saying so).  This is the very first sofa slipcover I've made...

I also made a new laptop sleeve just for the heck of it.  I found this beautiful fabric remnant on sale for 2.50 so I made that the outer cover and used remnants of drop cloth fabric for the liner.  It has a velcro closure and quilted the inside just for a little extra detail for funzies.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Open Spaces

When we decided to renovate this house before we moved in...the idea was to have it open, spacious, and uncluttered.  What actually happened was that I got carried away with DIY projects.  Let's face it, there are thousands of fantastic projects out there to do.  I wanted to do them all.  What I ended up with was a somewhat cluttered house.  I'm starting to feel smothered.  There is something on every wall and sitting in every corner. It's time....

It's time to unclutter.  Time to separate things into two piles..."love" and "like" and get rid of the "like" pile.  It will be an ugly chore but it has to be done.  I will be taking a little time to do room at a time. When I'm finished and feel like I can breathe again, I'll post the results.  Don't worry...nothing valuable or antique will be flung out the door. :-)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Starting the New Year Off With Burlap....

I hope everyone had a wonderful time ringing in the New Year.  I did.  Spent it with good friends and family.  Don't get any better than that folks.

I've been on a burlap and canvas kick for the past week.  Seems everything I've made is burlap or canvas.  I started out making a few throw pillows for our 8 foot sofa.  This thing is about 4 feet wide so, in my opinion, it's very comfortable to sit on without a lot of smaller pillows to throw behind your back.  On the other's fabulous to sleep on...OMG.  My favorite pillow cover to make now is the envelope pillow.  Super easy and it can be taken off and it. In a few weeks I'm going to try my hand at making a canvas drop cloth slipcover for this monster of a sofa.

Next I took one of the coffee bags that I had left over after recovering the dining room chairs and made a runner for the hallway.  It matches the one I did for the kitchen a while back except this one has been sewn down the side and then frayed the edges....

I found this super pretty burlap table runner on Pinterest and immediately began making one of my own. I'm surprised at how well it turned it out since I started working on it at 1a.m.  All of my lines are straight and the measurements were perfect.  Maybe I should be a midnight sewster from now on....

After the runner, I found another beautiful burlap table cover that I thought would be great for the bedroom night tables.  As they were, they didn't match and it seemed to bother me, around 2ish a.m. I began construction of those bad boys and surprisingly they turned out fabulously as well...

Well folks, that's it for right now.  In the process of thinking of what other stuff I sew together....this post is to be continued......